Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Heard...

OK, so my cousin Lacy has a blog (you can check it out here), and I have been busy reading it and stealing all of her ideas for posts, headers, etc.  I love when she posts "What I Heard," little snippets of conversation overheard throughout the week at her house, etc.  In an effort to capture and share more hilarious Maya-isms, I thought I'd just go ahead and steal Lacy's idea.  Chad thought it would be a great idea to post a "Sh*t Maya Says" video on YouTube, but he isn't willing to dress up as Maya, so this will have to suffice for now.  Enjoy!

"Mom!  We're on Hazel Dell.  And we're going to Grandma's house.  On Picadilly!" - Maya, in the car on Monday as we drove to my parents house.  For the record, we WERE on Hazel Dell Parkway, and my parents DO live on Picadilly Lane.  Looks like we've got a little Rand McNally on our hands.  

"Who cares what teams make it to the Super Bowl.  Their fans just need to show up and bring their wallets." - My Dad, during a conversation about how terrible it would be for the Patriots to come to Indianapolis and win a Super Bowl at Lucas Oil.  I find this to be totally hilarious coming from my dad.  I don't know why.  
Get out of here, Tom Brady.

 "Signing up now... I hate you." - my friend Jena, via text, after I coerced her to sign up to run the Indianapolis mini-marathon with me in May.  I may have talked her into it purely by suggesting that we could make shirts for the event.  I know how much she loves crafts.  We've also got our friend Maggie roped in, and I'm working on Rachel and Lexi.  COME ON GIRLS!!  Everyone hates running.  Might as well all hate it together!
This could be us!!!!

"Mom... what are you doing?"
"Spraying this stuff (Lysol) on the trash can so it doesn't smell bad."
"Oh.  Can you spray some on Miles?" - Conversation between Maya and me yesterday as Chad took the trash out and I was putting a new bag in the trash can.    Back story: Miles is a stuffed rabbit that travels almost everywhere with Maya.  He tends to smell pretty terrible after being hauled around by a toddler.  So last week I told Maya that Miles was "stinky."  Her response - "No!  He smells WONDERFUL!"  Ummm, nope.  Sorry kid.  He smells awful.  So I talked her into giving Miles a "bath" (in the washing machine).  So she dragged her step stool from the bathroom into the laundry room and proceeded to throw all of her "friends" into the washing machine so they could get a bath.  I was so pleased with myself for getting her to cooperate with the whole process.  Little did I know we were creating a monster.  Now, at some point nearly every day, Maya lets me know that Miles might be getting "stinky" again and may need another bath.  She hadn't mentioned anything about it yesterday until Chad took the trash out.  Turns out Miles' hygiene is always on her mind... :)

I don't have a quote for this one, because she didn't say anything when she woke up from her nap on Saturday.  But there was no way I wasn't going to share this picture, because it's hilarious.  Frighteningly similar...


  1. Hilarious!!!! I'm not sure which one is funnier--- the quote from your Dad or the Nick Nolte lookalike! Wow. Serious bed head Maya girl!

    I've found this is the best way to remember what is being said in our house. I, too wanted to name the post "Shit my family says" but I have so friends following me that wouldn't appreciate that kind of language. :)

  2. This is a great idea, and highly entertaining. There is a chance I may have to steal this stolen idea! :) If I get around to it, I will be sure to give you all credit!

  3. If you promise to walk the remaining 12 miles of the mini with me after I fall down from exhaustion, I could be persuaded to join you.
