Monday, February 13, 2012

What I Heard...

"You tell me..."
This is Maya's new alternative to "I don't know."  Recent example as we drove home the other day and went through an intersection:
Maya: "Green means go.  Red means stop."
Me: "Yeah, but what does yellow mean?"
Maya: (thinking.....) "You tell me!" 


"I got the angry birds.  I can't beat it and it's making me angry.  Do you have any hints on how to beat it?"
- Chad's mom, to Chad via text last week after his parents upgraded from Blackberry to iPhone.  I love when our parents (attempt to) embrace new technology.  If you know Chad's mom personally, this is much funnier than if you don't.  Picturing a 4'10" Filipino woman getting mad about Angry Birds makes me giggle...

"Maya, remember how my friend Holli had a baby in her belly?"
"Guess what!  Her baby came out!"
"I used to be in your belly.  But I'm too big to fit now."
Logic prevails with this kid...
Baby Cohen... so sweet :)
(Courtesy of Holli Ford)

Maya has been sick for the past week or so, and it all came to a head yesterday -- with green mucous coming out of her eyes (gross, I know).  Chad worked from home today and sent me a text describing this little scene... Apparently she was sitting on the couch, thrust her cup up in the air and shouted to Chad, who was sitting at the kitchen table:
"Dad! I need more milk right now so I can get better!!" 
Clearly she is starting to feel better (and taking advantage of the opportunity to master her manipulation skills).
This is obviously not Maya,
but this picture cracks me up...


Stay tuned for next time, where I post some pictures of the (completely over-ambitious) Valentines I made for Maya's classmates...

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