Friday, January 31, 2014

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

When Chad and I were in high school, he used to mimic things I would say, and when I would get mad, he would always tell me that "imitation is the highest form of flattery," which usually resulted in making me even more mad.  In any case, that phrase has gotten thrown around the Wilson house ever since then.  But if you take the smart-ass "Chad Wilson" tone out of it, it really is true.  If someone imitates something you have done/said/bought/made, it really is a pretty sincere form of flattery. 

In my last post I shared some pictures of our crazy soup bash a few weeks ago.  Several of my coworkers were in attendance for the inaugural soup party, and one of them decided we should do it over again as a work pitch-in.  Since the Super Bowl is this weekend, we decided to have a "Soup-er Bowl Party."  In addition, everyone who brought in a donation of canned soup got to wear jeans for the day.  You wanna see a bunch of mortgage people get excited?  Let them wear jeans.  We donated the canned soup to the Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank. 

Since we had the soup list ahead of time, I was able to spend a little more time making the soup names look prettier, which clearly brought me a lot of joy.  I wish I would have gotten my act together to do this for the party at my house... Oh well, next time!

I love that my job sometimes involves making silly soup cards.

We gathered in the break room at noon and had a crazy soup taste-off.  Everything was soup-er tasty.  Some people got a little crazy and started mixing soups together, which resulted in an amazing hybrid combination of the chicken & wild rice soup and the beef & mushroom soup.  Everyone voted, and Amy's Chicken & Wild Rice soup was the winner.  Given our love of themes, Amy won a sweet "Soup-er Market" gift card.

Winner Winner, Chicken (& Rice) Dinner!  Isn't she cute?

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