Friday, March 2, 2012

Oscars, Sweat Pants, and some Pretty Potent Punch

I can be pretty un-girly about a lot of things, but I love awards shows.  Totally a girl about that, and totally proud of it.  The Academy Awards were last weekend, and I was pumped.  The irony here is that I have seen mayyyyybe 3 movies in the theater over the last year.  We'll blame that on having a toddler in the house.  And the only reason I even made it to the theater at all is that my friend Joanna suggested we start reading books that are being turned into movies, and then go see the movies.  Now, most movies that are based on good books end up sucking.  Nevertheless, we decided to read the books, and then head to the movies with giant purses full of smuggled wine candy.  Anyhow, we read Water for Elephants, saw the movie, and then did the same with The Help.  I know I said I saw 3 movies last year, but I honestly cannot remember what the third one was.  Oh well.  Moving on...

Back to the Oscars... Being a lover of award shows, lounge pants, and socializing, I decided the only logical thing to do was throw a party.  And thus, the First Annual Academy Awards Champagne and Sweat Pants Party was born.  My good friend Bitsy offered to co-host (maybe "offered" isn't very accurate... I'm not sure I gave her much of a choice).  Given that I only saw one out of the nine Best Picture Nominees, I knew I wasn't going to care that much about the actual awards, so I promoted the party as an opportunity to wear sweats, eat snacks, drink champagne, and judge questionable fashion choices (Gwyneth - what was with that cape?)

Here is a picture essay of our evening... Note that I completely forgot to take pictures of any of the people at the party.  I had great intentions to, but, well... let's just blame the punch.  So basically, here are a bunch of pictures of food.  If anything looks particularly scrumtrilescent to you, I have included links to the recipes.  Also, please excuse the shadows in all of the pictures.  I was using the camera on my phone, and I was standing in front of the lights on most occasions.  Again, let's blame the punch...

The picture really doesn't do this tasty treat justice.  These took the most time out of everything I made (Puff Pastry and I were not on speaking terms after this experience).  But it was worth the time and frustration, because they were AMAZING.  As one party-goer said, "This is one of the best things I've ever eaten.  Ever."  I might be paraphrasing.  I can't remember.  Let's continue to blame the punch... 

I love cheese and carbs.  Especially together.  This recipe called for more dreaded Puff Pastry, and I was over it.  So I cheated and used a crescent roll sheet.  P.S. Remember when we used to have to spend all that tedious time pinching crescent roll triangles together to make it into a crust?  I'm glad that's over.  Thanks, Pillsbury

Moving on...

Confession:  I don't know what this is called.  I don't even know what's in it besides goat cheese (tomato sauce? Ryan Gosling's tears?).  All I know is Bitsy brought it, and it was gone in an instant.  And it was made of cheese and carbs, so it obviously fit the theme.  I don't know why I even bothered to buy fancy paper plates for the occasion, because we all just stood in a circle around this and inhaled it.  Then we had a conversation about how everyone's mom has a square baking dish with the exact same flower pattern on the side. 

Keeping strictly to our carb and cheese theme (I didn't even realize we HAD a carb and cheese theme until about 10 minutes ago when I uploaded these pictures), I opted for cake stuffed with cream cheese.  Yes please.  Nothing much more to say about these bad boys.  They are super easy to make, and super delicious to eat.  One batch made something like 60 mini-cupcakes.  In an effort to keep our house free of as much junk food as possible, Chad was covertly sticking baggies of leftover cupcakes in everyone's purses as they were leaving. 

 Did I mention that I made some punch?  What kind of an awards party would it be without champagne?  This stuff was amazing.  And potent.  I found it on the Oscars website, so I figured it must be pretty legit.  A few recommendations if you decide to make this: 1) Use affordable champagne.  I think I used $8 or $9 champagne.  I was too scared of the $5 and $6 bottles, but I didn't want to spend too much money if I was just going to mix it with a bunch of stuff.  2) Don't skip the ginger.  I thought that ingredient was SUPER weird, but I just went with it.  And it was amazing.

We did manage, in our punch-induced stupor, to play a rousing round of Oscar Bingo!  You know me... I like games! Too bad there wasn't a square for "J-Lo Nip Slip." 

We managed to eat pretty much ALL of the food, and everyone was out of my house by 10:30 -- and Chad cleaned up the kitchen.  It doesn't get much better than that.  Thanks to all you girlies to were able to come!  :)